The light intensity should not be less than 600 lux on the starting platforms and turns.
Lane markings should be of a dark color contrasting with the surface and placed at the center of each lane, embedded in the pool floor.
Width: Minimum 0.2 meters, maximum 0.3 meters Length: For 50-meter pools, 46.0 meters; for 25-meter pools, 21.0 meters Each lane line should end 2.0 meters after the finish wall, and cut the lane line distinctly with a length of 1.0 meter and a width of 1.0 meter. Target lines should be located on the finish walls or touch panels, centered in each lane, and have the same width as the lane lines. These lengths can be exceeded without overflowing from the edge of the pool. A 0.5-meter-long cross line should be positioned 0.3 meters below the water surface and measured towards the center point of the cross line.
Dividers, if they act as finish walls, should be solid and cover the entire width of the swimming direction. They should have a vertical and slippery surface, with touch pads placed below the water surface but not less than 0.8 meters and no more than 0.3 meters above, ensuring that no events pose a risk above or below the waterline to the swimmer’s hands, feet, or toes. Dividers should allow officials to move comfortably during the competition without creating waves or water currents.
FR 4.1 Automatic and semi-automatic timing equipment assists in determining a swimmer’s relative position in the race by measuring their speed. Speed calculations are in increments of 1/100th of a second. This equipment should not affect the swimmer’s starting movements, turns, or the system itself. FR 4.2 Features required in the equipment: FR 4.2.1 It must be activated by the starting referee. FR 4.2.2 There should be no cables at the poolside if possible. FR 4.2.3 It should be capable of displaying information for each lane. FR 4.2.4 It should digitally display the swimmer’s speed.
Long Course Swimming Pools
LENGTH FR 2.1.1 The pool’s length is 50 meters. If automatic timing equipment is used at the start or additionally at the turn, the pool must be 50 meters long to provide the necessary distance between two touch panels.
FR 2.1.2 The pool’s width is 25 meters. If automatic timing equipment is used at the start or additionally at the turn, the pool must be 25 meters wide to provide the necessary distance between two touch panels.
DIMENSION TOLERANCES FR 2.2.1 Against the length of 50 meters, dimensional tolerances are valid for each lane, with plus 0.03 meters and minus 0.0 meters on each side of the wall at every point from 0.3 meters below the water surface to 0.8 meters below. These dimensions must be approved by an official and authorized person or supervisor. When touch panels are installed, these tolerances cannot exceed the given values.
FR 2.2.2 Against the width of 25 meters, dimensional tolerances are valid for each lane, with plus 0.03 meters and minus 0.0 meters on each side of the wall at every point from 0.3 meters below the water surface to 0.8 meters below. These dimensions must be approved by an official and authorized person or supervisor. When touch panels are installed, these tolerances cannot exceed the given values.
DEPTH For pools with starting blocks, the required dimensions are as follows: a depth of at least 1.35 meters extending from the finish wall to at least six meters from the start wall, and a minimum depth of 1.0 meter for other pool types.
WALLS FR 2.4.1 The finish walls must be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of swimming, made of solid material, and have non-slip surfaces extending to a depth of 0.8 meters below the water surface to allow athletes to touch and push off safely.
FR 2.4.2 Resting places along the pool are allowed, not deeper than 1.2 meters from the water surface, and can be 0.1 to 0.15 meters wide.
FR 2.4.3 Gutters can be located on all four walls of the pool. If finish wall gutters are present, they must be positioned 0.3 meters above the water surface to allow for additional touch panels. These gutters must be properly covered with a grille or grate.
FR 2.5 Lanes must be at least 2.5 meters wide, with a 0.2 meter width between the first and last lane ropes and the wall.
LANE ROPES FR 2.6.1 Lane ropes must extend along the swimming direction and be securely attached to iron rods inside the finish walls. Each lane rope must have a minimum diameter of 0.15 meters and be anchored to buoys extending from one end of the pool to the other. There should not be multiple ropes between each lane. It is also important that the lane ropes are securely fastened.
FR 2.6.2 Lines at 15-meter intervals from each finish wall must be of a color different from other buoys, allowing clear visibility. In 50-meter pools, buoys at intervals representing 25 meters must be of a different color.
FR 2.6.3 Soft indicators for lane numbers can be placed on lane ropes at the start and turn ends of the pool.
STARTING PLATFORMS Starting platforms must be sturdy and not give a springy feeling. The height of the platform above the water should be between 0.5 and 0.75 meters. The surface area of the platform should be at least 0.5×0.5 meters and covered with a non-slip material. The maximum slope degree cannot exceed 10%. The platform should not give a springy feeling when a swimmer starts. If the start platform exceeds 0.04 meters, there will be depressions of 0.01 meters on each side and 0.4 meters at the front, cutting 0.03 meters from the surface. Handrails for the start movement can be mounted on the starting platform. Those for the return movement should be placed vertically and horizontally 0.3 to 0.6 meters above the water surface. These parts should be parallel to the finish wall and protrude beyond it. The depth of the water from the starting platforms to a distance of 1.0 to 6.0 meters from the finish wall must be at least 1.35 meters. Electronic reading boards can be placed under the blocks. There should be no flickering on the panels during the start of the return process.
NUMBERING Each starting block must be clearly visible from all four sides. Lane one should be on the right side when looking in the direction of swimming from the starting end. However, this rule does not apply to competitions that may start from the opposite direction in 50-meter races. Touch panels can also be numbered from the top.
TURN MARKS Flagged ropes extending from one end of the pool to the other must be placed 1.8 to 2.5 meters above the water surface and fixed standard distances from each finish wall. Open signs must be placed on both sides of the pool, and where possible, the distance between each finish wall and lane rope should be 15.0 meters.
WATER TEMPERATURE The water temperature should be between 25 and 28 degrees Celsius. During the competition, the pool water temperature must be maintained at a certain level without any changes. Cleaning the pool without creating waves or turbulence can continue according to health regulations required in many countries.
OLYMPIC AND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SWIMMING POOLS Length: Except for the World Short Championships, the length must be 50.0 meters. If automatic timing equipment is used at the start walls or turn walls, the length between touch panels must be 25.0 meters. FR 3.1 The dimensional tolerances in FR 2.2.1 FR 3.2 Width: 25.0 meters for Olympics and World Championships FR 3.3 Depth: At least 2.0 meters FR 3.4 Walls: As in FR 2.4.1 FR 3.5 Gutters: As in FR 2.4.3 FR 3.6 Number of lanes: 8 FR 3.7 Lanes are 2.5 meters wide, with a 2.5-meter gap between the first and eighth lanes. There must