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Pazartesi - Cuma : 08:30 - 18.30

Pool Coatings

The Fox Pebbledeck System is a pool coating system made of natural pebbles designed to give pools a natural appearance.

With 12 different color options, the Fox Pebbledeck System is an excellent choice for areas like pools and spas that are constantly exposed to water and chemical cleaners, thanks to its natural appearance and durability.

Although pebbles come in different colors, their appearance in water varies depending on the environment, the angle of the sun, and the depth of the pool. The sun’s contact with the water at different angles throughout the day brings out different colors and sparkles on the pool surface, creating a natural harmony.

It has a non-slip structure and is resistant to impact and staining. Depending on the color of the pebbles you choose, the water color can appear blue or green. However, reflections from surrounding trees, houses, etc., will determine the exact shade of blue or green. This color can also change throughout the day based on the position of the sun in the sky.

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